24-26 SEPTEMBER 2024
book stand Book ticket
book stand Book ticket
24-26 SEPTEMBER 2024

Stand construction

When preparing your participation in LISDEREVMASH you are free to order stand design and construction services from third parties. Please, mind that your contractor is obliged to get an accreditation that will allow him to carry out the construction works on the grounds of the International Exhibition Centre.

To get accreditation contractor shall submit a complete package of documents and certificates, that confirm the contractor’s ability to carry out construction works in a safe and proper manner in compliance with the laws of Ukraine and regulations on occupational safety, industrial sanitation, and fire safety, safety of participants, visitors and personnel.
Acquiring accreditation is a prerequisite to work on the grounds of the IEC. Companies that do not have accreditation are prohibited from working at the IEC.

Please, be sure to send your application to:
Kosyak Oleksandr
Tel .: +380 (44) 456 3804



The list of documents for accreditation

1. Copies of registration documents of the construction company, with a seal affixed: certificate of registration, certificate of assignment of the EDRPOU code, certificate of VAT payer, legal and actual address, telephone numbers, fax, email, etc.
2. Abbreviate from the company’s Charter, confirming the right to conduct exhibition activities.
3. A copy of the order on the appointment of responsible persons (abbreviate from the minutes of the general meeting of the construction company), with a seal affixed.
4. Reference on the presence of duly qualified and experienced personnel: installers, electricians, technical managers (architects, designers).
5. Reference on personnel certification:
– electricians – the admission on carrying out electric installation work, the admission according to safety measures;
– installers – the admission according to safety measures, the admission to work at height.
6. Reference on availability of the necessary exhibition equipment and means of construction work:
– exhibition equipment, including furniture and electrical equipment, as well as the necessary packaging;
– lifting and transport mechanisms;
– other technical instruments.
7. Reference on availability of equipment certificates:
– manufacturer’s certificate for all parts of the equipment;
– fire certificates (level of combustion for materials);
– hygienic certificate for plastics, hardboard, chipboard, etc.